What a fantastic question.
Brake Magazine and Brake The Shop are one and the same. We're a tiny, independent online publication headed up myself Llewelyn Pavey. I started my career as an enthusiastic dirt bike photographer, that wanted to ride, race, travel and take wonderful images. Brake Magazine started in 2015 as an online, adventure focussed magazine. From there, with the help of an awesome and enthusiastic group of friends, Brake has transitioned into a video only platform making things we believe are worth watching. That idea heavily underpins everything Brake.
Now we have arrived here - The Shop. The shop is a place I wanted to bring great, unique products curated through a little journalistic opinion. The Brake Shop will be a place where we curate our stock based on the what we think is good and useful. If we wouldn't travel, ride or race using the product then we're not going to sell it. It has to be battle ready and fit for spending money on.
On top of that, we want our product descriptions to be more useful than typical. It should tell you what it's good at, what it's not good at and how it fits. Hopefully that helps you make an informed decision about your purchase and leaves your with a better product for your money. The benefits of that are endless.
That, in a large nutshell, is the Brake Shop. A place where we stock good product we believe in, with descriptions and images that let you have a really good idea of what you're buying topped off with a helpful returns policy. If you've got any ideas for us, such as things we could do better or products you love please don't hesitate to get in touch.